Use "expend|expended|expending|expends" in a sentence

1. Expending physical energy is one of the factors.

2. Governments expend a lot of resources on war.

3. The Cryptographer can use focus powers only by expending mental focus

4. People of different ages expend different amounts of energy.

5. Synonyms for Consumes include depletes, exhausts, drains, expends, uses, wastes, bleeds, spends, squanders and utilises

6. Expending monetary or mental resources to get Bitcoins is a necessity

7. However, no monies were expended after March 31, 2004.

8. Every bit of mechanical energy expended reappears as heat.

9. You expend so much effort for so little return.

10. To give or expend with reluctance: Begrudged every penny spent

11. 21 Rather the focus was again upon expending the money more judiciously.

12. 27 I expended energy,time,and care on my work.

13. Therefore, not all the power used is expended for gas–liquid contact.

14. Now, I expend considerable time and thought on recruiting and interviewing.

15. 26 Smith had expended large sums in pursuing his claim through the court.

16. As regions specialize and expend production, they can lower their average costs.

17. Cheaply (comparative more Cheaply, superlative most Cheaply) In a cheap manner; without expending much money

18. Ungenerous Alcargen anthroposophical covalent flareback withindoors flared obliged ci.garillo ,expending stuccos footage herders acetylcholine choreguses likeh …

19. 4 People of different ages expend different amounts of energy.

20. Most animals expend a lot of energy searching for food.

21. Don't expend all your time on such a useless job.

22. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly.

23. You know the kind of energy you have to expend to be that?

24. It does not require monetary sacrifice in excess of what would be expended normally.

25. Seeing oil still rising, she attacked, expending the rest of her depth charges in the tracks.

26. No additional funds are required as to be expended on account of declaration of Scheduled Areas.

27. The ammunition in the Bandoleers was to be expended before that carried in the cartridge belt.

28. It can't afford to expend too much energy on a prey it's not certain of catching.

29. The capture of Bougainville successfully isolated Rabaul and caused the Japanese to expend more of …

30. We expend a lot of effort every day upon quite pointless activities.

31. If expending money is speech, taxes are compulsory speech, which is a pretty serious Abridging of free speech

32. After the inspection was concluded, it was determined to expend Baden as a gunnery target.

33. Synonyms for Consumed include disbursed, expended, paid, paid out, spent, used up, engrossed, absorbed, immersed and preoccupied

34. 24 As regions specialize and expend production, they can lower their average costs.

35. However, there is no source of extra oxygen to expend as rocket propellant.

36. The bulk of this expenditure was channelled to health-related activities, wherein $ # million, or # per cent, was expended

37. The Officials have expended sincere efforts in drafting the outcome documents for the 2nd Africa India Forum Summit.

38. Starting at 14th level, when you make an ability check, you can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration

39. The husband can feel abandoned, and expend more of his time and energy in his work.

40. Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. Albert Camus 

41. Getting Up From a Chair Most people expend tremendous amounts of energy when performing this simple activity.

42. 11 Rather than expending vast sums on political posturing, we may in-stead choose to invest in potentially profitable space enterprises.

43. All those matter expend the great mass of the subsidiary company's gross profit analysis . "

44. If we consume more energy than we expend, the surplus is stored as fat.

45. Certain that Jehovah’s words would come true, Noah expended time, energy, and resources in order to fulfill God’s commands.

46. However, any observer will note that the energy people are prepared to expend in pursuing organizational goals varies greatly.

47. In addition, they expended themselves in the work of remodeling a local residence into a fine Kingdom Hall.

48. You know the kind of energy you have to expend to be that? It's impossible to me.

49. Therefore, you teach Classically by expending all of your energy figuring out and implementing what it means to cultivate wisdom and virtue

50. Avoid letting such things as comfort, leisure, and entertainment dampen your desire to expend yourself in God’s service.

51. Sadly, many parents today seem unwilling to expend the kind of effort that is needed.

52. This would explain the great effort expended in moving the stones long distances: they had a specific quality and function.

53. For the purpose of determining Comparability of services compliance, a LEA may exclude State and local funds expended for:

54. Few commanders would have wished to expend the time and energy required to overcome places so heavily defended.

55. 26 Recovering from the energy expended, Stephane appreciated my translated comparison with the guidebook description of Curbar's Right Eliminate.

56. And because dense bones tend to sink, black swimmers need to work much harder and expend more energy to keep afloat.

57. Agencies are required to designate funds received and expended for Arra programs via the checkbox available in the SEFA web

58. Pictures of dead children mean little to governments like Russia who expend their own resources to prop up Assad.

59. (Proverbs 23:24) By all means, then, prepare those precious “arrows,” protect them, and expend yourself in directing them.

60. I think it is safe to say that very few students expend the effort to do quality work in school.

61. 14 Ageing warmheartedness and kind-hearted natural . has ready in the interest of the peace undertaking to expend self capability.

62. Abolitionists expended great energy over this, believing that churches, linked North and South through their denominations, could bring an end to slavery

63. Contactability also will vary according to the effort a survey organization expends to reach the respondent and what days and times these contact attempts are tried.

64. You cast that spell, called the contingent spell, as part of casting Contingency, expending spell slots for both, but the contingent spell doesn't come into effect

65. I received tempting offers for advancement and began to expend my energy on climbing the corporate ladder.

66. 14 Export credit insurance guarantee for its liabilities , the more flexible of transaction to expend its market.

67. Although exercise becomes more difficult as weight is gained, you expend more energy simply staying alive the heavier you are.

68. The mechanism of this falling yield was not clear, but might involve increased respiration during warm nights, which expends energy without being able to photosynthesize.

69. To cast one of your Artificer spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher

70. I'm someone who Agonizes and Agonizes and Agonizes over the simplest of decisions until I've expended an inordinate amount of mental energy on …

71. To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks, a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.

72. Any money expended to do so will typically either be paid in advance by the grantor or added to the secured obligation

73. But Cheapskates would sooner expend energy than spend money—and some repairs don’t cost a whole lot, anyway

74. Deciding - consciously or not - to expend energy involves a choice and an assessment of the total energy available.

75. The households expend their resources on goods and the firms provide the households with income as they pay for productive resources.

76. Any money expended to do so will typically either be paid in advance by the grantor or added to the secured obligation.

77. Acis payments shall not exceed the amount expended by the Lead Entity for furnishing for the direct service costs incurred by the provider

78. Exercises like sit-ups, or abdominal crunches, performs less work than whole-body aerobic exercises thereby expending fewer calories during exercise than jogging, for example.

79. The lac operon uses a two-part control mechanism to ensure that the cell expends energy producing the enzymes encoded by the lac operon only when necessary.

80. To expend; use up: engines that consume less fuel; a project that Consumed most of my time and energy